It’s a digital opera, a computer game, a ritual, and moreover a unique combination of traditional and 360° video: ‘The Transmigration of Morton F’ allows its viewers to transcend the physical world and enter a surrealistic realm.
For the 2016 Holland Festival, director Sjaron Minailo and composer Anat Spiegel created a digital musical theatre that will be released on June 20th. American singer and vocal artist Joan La Barbara plays the lead role. When she visits Amsterdam, she meets a stranger who reminds her of composer Morton Feldman, with whom she cooperated years before but unfortunately came to pass away. Believing him to be his reincarnation, she gets involved in a shadowy game between reality and surreality.
The entire digital show will be available online from June 20th. For this project, Scopic used the high-end Sony A7SII rig for the best quality shots, allowing the viewer to be fully immersed into this surrealistic journey. For Scopic, this showcases virtual reality’s potential to not only be a revolutionary new medium, but also one that is complementary to existing film outlets.