

High-end surround video production

“Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience, and our aesthetic enjoyment is recognition of the pattern.” - Alfred North Whitehead


As in any other field of the creative industry, the world of VR is one that changes, adapts, and grows rapidly. It is an endless journey, striving towards the perfect shot. At Scopic, everyday we are busy pushing the boundaries of surround video. It is because of this, that we are proud to say that we are the first European company focused on producing only the highest-end virtual reality videos.

In Q2 2016, Nokia releases the OZO; the first purpose-built 360° camera of professional quality.  Scopic, in collaboration with Cam'a'lot, will be the first company in Europe to receive the Nokia OZO, two months before the official release date, for professional testing and reviewing. This is the path Scopic follows: no compromises in terms of quality by using only the best equipment, the most dedicated crew, and the most experienced external partners.

The year 2016 will be marked as the start of the virtual reality era, where 360 video will gain its rightful place amongst contemporary media outlets. A large variety of industries are experimenting with virtual reality video as promotional content, recruitment purposes, journalism, event coverage, training and learning material, documentaries, and in-depth storytelling. Now is the time to let your imagination go wild, and discover what the amazing world of virtual reality can contribute to your business. And if one takes the leap towards this futuristic tool: let’s do it right and go for the best quality available.

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